探秘 LWS 美高校园 π Day:一起挑战做 “π 达人” !!!
在数学的奇妙宇宙里,有一个特殊的常数熠熠生辉,它就是圆周率 π。
3 月 14 日,LWS 美高校园紧紧围绕这个神秘数字,举办了一场别开生面的 “欢迎你 --- 做“挑战 π 达人” 活动,让我们一同回顾那些精彩瞬间!
In the wonderful universe of mathematics, there is a special constant that shines brightly, and it is the mathematical constant π (pi).
On March 14th, the campus of LWS American High School centered closely around this mysterious number and held a unique activity titled "Welcome! Be a 'π Challenge Master'". Let's review those wonderful moments together!
活动前,同学们积极创作 “圆周率历史” 手抄报。展示区里,色彩丰富的作品汇聚一堂。大家用绘图、文字与图表,融入圆周率关键突破、数学家贡献及个人感悟。评委依据内容、创意、排版评选,优秀作品成为交流典范。
Before the event, the students actively created handwritten newspapers on "The History of Pi". In the exhibition area, works full of rich colors were gathered together. Everyone integrated key breakthroughs in the study of pi, the contributions of mathematicians, and their personal insights through drawings, texts, and charts. The judges selected the works based on their content, creativity, and layout, and the outstanding works became exemplary models for communication.
“3 秒 14” 速算擂台 —— 智速交锋
此环节为活动焦点。10 道与 π 相关速算题瞬间展示,选手要在 3.14 秒内抢答。裁判发令后,选手全神贯注,大脑飞速运算,手指快速书写。每次准确作答都引发欢呼,非常考验同学们扎实运算功底与敏捷思维。
This session was the highlight of the event. Ten quick calculation questions related to π were instantly presented, and the contestants were required to answer them within 3.14 seconds. After the referee gave the order, the contestants concentrated all their attention, their brains calculated at a rapid speed, and their fingers wrote quickly. Every accurate answer triggered cheers, which greatly tested the students' solid foundation in calculation and agile thinking.
参赛同学站定,努力回忆并写出 “3.14159……” 小数点后的 12 位数字。这既考验对 π 数值的熟悉程度,也挑战记忆力。同学们专注投入,有的皱眉思索,有的自信下笔,展现对数学知识的深度掌握。
The participants stood still, striving to recall and write down the first 12 decimal places of "3.14159……" This task not only tested their familiarity with the value of π but also challenged their memory skills. The students were fully engaged, with some furrowing their brows in deep thought and others confidently writing down the digits, demonstrating their profound grasp of mathematical knowledge.
自然 π 探索家
各小组精心制作圆形硬纸片,用卷尺测量周长与直径,分工明确地记录数据,运用公式计算比值,力求接近 π 值。通过亲身体验,同学们直观感受数学理论与现实测量的关联,体会数学的实用与严谨。
Each group carefully crafted circular cardboard pieces, measured their circumference and diameter with measuring tapes, and efficiently recorded the data with clear division of labor. They then applied the formula to calculate the ratio, striving to get as close as possible to the value of π. Through this hands-on experience, the students intuitively grasped the connection between mathematical theory and real-world measurement, appreciating the practicality and precision of mathematics.
The carefully designed riddles captivated the students' attention, ranging from simple mathematical symbol puzzles to creative word association challenges. Some students pondered alone, while others engaged in lively discussions with their peers, eager to be the first to answer. The process of solving these riddles deepened their understanding of pi-related knowledge, allowing them to reinforce their learning in a relaxed atmosphere and experience the fun of mathematics.
这场 π Day 活动形式多样,带领同学们走进多彩数学世界,加深对圆周率的理解,激发对数学的热爱,为校园生活增添了浓厚的数学色彩。
This Pi Day event, with its diverse formats, guided the students into the vibrant world of mathematics. It deepened their understanding of pi and ignited their passion for math, adding a rich mathematical hue to their campus life.
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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