2025 年 2 月 21 日,上海美高双语学校召开了 2025 春家委会会议 ,这可是一场关乎孩子成长的重要聚会。
In a child's educational journey, the family and the school are like a pair of inseparable partners, working hand in hand, neither can be missing.
On February 21, 2025, LWS (Shanghai Minhang Meigao Bilingual School) held the Parent Committee meeting for the Spring 2025 semester. This was an important gathering concerning the growth of the children.
Echo 徐老师一开场,就扔出了一个超赞的计划。为了让家长更深入了解孩子在学校的点点滴滴,本学期家委会要 “大变身”,进行分组!家长们可以直接参与到学校的总务、教学和宣传工作中。以后家长也能 “进校园上班”,和孩子一起体验校园生活,这互动感简直拉满!
At the beginning of her speech, Teacher Echo Xu unveiled an amazing plan. In order to help parents gain a deeper understanding of their children's daily experiences at school, the Parent Committee will undergo a “major transformation” this semester through group division! Parents will be able to directly participate in the school's general affairs, teaching, and publicity work. In the future, parents can also “come to work on campus” and experience school life alongside their children. This level of interaction is simply off the charts!
Victor 蔡校长一亮相,就先和家长们唠起了自己的工作经历,风趣幽默的话语一下子拉近了和家长的距离。蔡校长满脸真诚,感谢家长们选择美高,还笑着说:“咱们家校一条心,一起为孩子们的未来加油!”
接着,蔡校长抛出了两个有趣的问题:“为什么当初选美高呀?孩子留学是主动的,还是有特别的契机呢?” 这两个问题可打开了家长们的话匣子,大家你一言我一语,分享着自己的想法。
As soon as Principal Victor Cai took the stage, he began chatting with the parents about his work experience. His witty and humorous words instantly bridged the gap between him and the parents. With a sincere expression, Principal Cai thanked the parents for choosing LWS and joked, “We’re all in this together—let’s cheer for our children’s future!”
Then, Principal Cai posed two interesting questions: “Why did you choose LWS in the first place? Was your child’s decision to study abroad proactive, or was there a particular opportunity that led to it?” These questions really got the parents talking, and soon everyone was sharing their thoughts in a lively discussion.
谈到未来工作方向,蔡校长瞬间严肃起来,认真地说:“提升教学质量、严抓学生成绩、整合师资力量、完善教育系统,这些都是我的重点工作!” 他还分享了自己多年的教育经验,特别提醒家长:“咱们做家长的,可是孩子的第一任老师,一定要以身作则,尤其是电子产品的使用。” 对于处在关键时期的孩子,蔡校长强调家校合作的重要性,希望大家一起为孩子的健康成长保驾护航。
会议上,蔡校长还分享了泰戈尔的《活成一束光》,鼓励大家保持内心的善良、信仰,现场氛围温馨又感人。在问答环节,针对新学期学习方向的问题,蔡校长透露:“未来将采用新的方式开展 steam 教学,以后会多元教学方向一起走,给孩子们更多选择!”
When it came to the future work direction, Principal Cai became serious all of a sudden and said earnestly, "Improving teaching quality, strictly monitoring students' academic performance, integrating teaching staff, and perfecting the education system - these are all my key priorities!" He also shared his years of educational experience and particularly reminded the parents, "As parents, we are our children's first teachers. We must set a good example, especially in the use of electronic products." For children in critical stages, Principal Cai emphasized the importance of home-school cooperation, hoping that everyone will work together to safeguard the healthy growth of children.
At the meeting, Principal Cai also shared Tagore's "Be a Light," encouraging everyone to maintain their inner kindness and faith. The atmosphere on-site was warm and touching. During the Q&A session, in response to questions about the learning direction for the new semester, Principal Cai revealed, "In the future, we will adopt new methods to carry out STEAM education. We will pursue a diversified teaching approach to give children more choices!"
The parents on the Parent Committee also actively offered suggestions, such as integrating teaching resources and developing unique courses. We believe that these recommendations will make LWS better and better!
This Parent Committee meeting was like a timely rain, infusing new vitality into home-school cooperation. The parents left with a sense of fulfillment and anticipation, while the school gained clarity on its direction for improvement. In the days to come, LWS will continue to join hands with parents to create a learning environment filled with love and growth for the children, allowing each child to shine with their own unique brilliance on the fertile ground of LWS.
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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