用精彩教学,培养各行各业的领导者 LWS English Department
In our English department, we are committed to fostering a deep understanding of our curriculum. Ms. Evie has implemented a collaborative exercise designed to enhance students' comprehension of the article "The Elephant Shepherd."
This poignant article narrates the experience of a young shepherd who encounters an elephant that has fallen victim to ivory hunting. This encounter prompts the boy to recognize the critical importance of wildlife protection and motivates him to raise awareness among his peers.
To cultivate environmental consciousness regarding the protection of endangered species, Ms. Evie has assigned students to conduct thorough research on an endangered animal of their choice. They subsequently crafted essays detailing their findings.
Following feedback from the teacher, students partnered to engage in peer teaching, sharing insights about their selected animals, including relevant background information and actionable steps humanity can take to help conserve these vulnerable species.
After these discussions, students collaborated on a poster presentation to showcase their content to the class. Through this engaging exercise, students developed essential skills in teamwork, problem-solving, research, writing, and public speaking.
In this lesson, Ms. Evie employed several effective teaching techniques in her English class:
1.Collaborative Learning: She initiated a collaborative exercise that encouraged students to work together, fostering teamwork and communication skills.
2. Research Assignments: Students conducted thorough research on an endangered animal, promoting independent learning and critical thinking as they sought out relevant information.
3. Peer Teaching: After receiving feedback, students partnered up to teach each other about their chosen animals. This technique enhances understanding as students explain concepts to their peers, reinforcing their own knowledge.
4. Creative Expression: The poster presentation allowed students to creatively showcase their findings, integrating visual elements with their research and improving their public speaking skills.
5. Real-World Application: By focusing on environmental consciousness and actionable conservation steps, Ms. Evie connected classroom learning to real-world issues, making the material more relevant and engaging for students.
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江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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