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  The sky in September is warm with golden winds and fragrant osmanthus, as if it is a beautiful painting specially prepared by nature for the arrival of the new semester. In this beautiful season, the campus of The LWS also appears particularly warm and peaceful, full of hope and vitality.


  The opening ceremony of the 2024 autumn semester is grandly inaugurated on such a beautiful day. The new semester is like a newly opened book, with a neat cover filled with the earnest expectations and good wishes of teachers, family, and classmates. Every word and phrase conveys a beautiful vision for your future, and I hope you can write even more wonderful chapters in the new semester.


  Jason Fang, Excutive Principal of Living Word Education Group, expressed his deep longing for the students in his opening speech and also sent a beautiful message for the new semester. He wished his classmates to raise the sails of progress in the new starting point and new journey, bravely embrace challenges, constantly surpass themselves, and achieve even more brilliant results.


  JasonFang's speech brought profound thinking and positive inspiration to the students, inspiring their love for learning and confidence in the future.


  Principal Tang introduced the gratifying changes of the school in the new semester and placed deep expectations on the students in the new semester. I hope students can set lofty dreams and goals in the new semester, learn self-management, and cultivate the habit of following school rules from the beginning. Teach students to be self disciplined children, cherish time, study hard, move towards goals, and strive for their dreams.


  Principal Tang expressed his best wishes to the students. I hope that students can grow up healthy and happy in the new semester, and spend every day fulfilling and meaningful. Principal Tang believes that as long as students have confidence, determination, and perseverance, they will definitely be able to create their own wonderful lives.


  In Principal Paul's opinion, this year is a period full of opportunities and challenges for students. At this stage, they have the opportunity to explore new topics, uncover their inner passions, and further develop their talents. This is a crucial moment because every great achievement starts from the moment you decide to try.


  Every step taken by classmates is particularly important, whether it is progress in learning or breakthroughs in personal growth, it requires us to constantly try and work hard. These attempts may be accompanied by failures and setbacks, but it is these experiences that shape our resilience and perseverance, making us more mature and confident.


  Principal Luo of Moral Education delivered a speech on the theme of "Rules Lead Us Forward", emphasizing the importance of rules in shaping a good class atmosphere and cultivating students' moral literacy. He mentioned that As a member of LWS, we share this identity and shoulder a common responsibility to create a positive and uplifting classroom atmosphere. Everyone is a builder of class atmosphere. By following rules, respecting others, and actively participating in class activities, we can jointly create a harmonious and orderly learning environment.


  I hope everyone can become a person with moral literacy and a sense of social responsibility, not only achieving success in their studies, but also constantly growing and improving on their life path.


  The educational philosophy and practical experience of principals will help students better cope with social changes and challenges, and realize their own life values. I believe that under their guidance, students will definitely achieve even better grades and progress in the new semester.


  At this brand new starting point, every student carries dreams and hopes, ready to embrace new challenges and opportunities. The school will also continue to provide high-quality educational resources and training environment, providing solid support for the growth and development of students. I believe that with the joint efforts of teachers and students, LWS will usher in a better tomorrow!



 联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597  微信:Anne8597

     江老师 手机:18017921033  微信:jiangyue2046

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  •  Anne.OuYang
  • 电话:17310788597
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  •  Grace.Jiang
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  • 微信:jiangyue2046


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