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  LWS warmly welcomes first-year students to report in. The children enter the campus with high expectations and enthusiasm, and are welcomed by the teachers' carefully arranged classrooms and a brand new environment.


  Principal Tang provided a detailed introduction to LWS's educational philosophy, starting from students' daily lives and learning, comprehensively elaborating on the cultivation of students' self-discipline, sense of responsibility, moral qualities, and teamwork abilities through behavioral norms. The implementation of these behavioral norms will lay a solid foundation for students' future growth.


  Principal Pual stated that LWS not only cares about the overall development of students, but is also committed to cultivating their lifelong learning abilities. Principal Paul himself is also a constantly learning person, and he believes that in the rapidly developing future society of AI technology, it is crucial to educate children on how to adapt to changes.


  Teacher Ryan, the Vice Principal of Teaching, showcased the diverse curriculum and student activities offered by Meigao to everyone. He emphasized that these courses and activities not only help students acquire knowledge, but also cultivate their various skills and interests.


  Diana, the head of the English department, gave a detailed explanation of Lansi Reading from her professional perspective. She pointed out that this can not only improve students' reading ability, but also help them better understand and analyze the text.


  Vicky, the head teacher of LWS, stated that the school focuses on cultivating students' comprehensive qualities. The head teacher is responsible for the daily management and teaching of students, and LWS Meigao has a professional and caring team of teachers.


  Psychological teacher Hannah explained to parents of first-year students the psychology of educating their children and the psychological preparation before entering campus life. Parents need to actively participate in their children's education process and establish good communication and trust relationships with them.


  Chinese and foreign teachers also appeared one after another, each introducing their own teaching style and curriculum content, allowing parents to have a deeper understanding of the school's teaching staff.


  Teacher Nicole introduced the new student material kit to the parents of the freshmen. She explained that this contains all the basic information and resources that students need for studying and living in American high schools, and is an important tool for freshmen to smoothly transition to campus life.


  Parents not only have a more comprehensive understanding of Meigao's educational philosophy, curriculum system, and activities, but also deeply feel the professionalism and warmth of the school.



 联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597  微信:Anne8597

     江老师 手机:18017921033  微信:jiangyue2046

来源:国际学校网 本页网址:http://meigao.ctiku.com/dongtai/3103.html
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  •  Anne.OuYang
  • 电话:17310788597
  • 微信:Anne8597
  •  Grace.Jiang
  • 电话:18017921033
  • 微信:jiangyue2046


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