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  Teacher Tang brought LWS students back to their alma mater, not only allowing Meigao Baby to experience the academic atmosphere of NYU Shanghai, but more importantly, Teacher Tang conveyed a positive and uplifting spirit. She told the American babies that no matter where they go in the future, they should maintain a thirst for knowledge, a love for sports, a curiosity for science, and an appreciation for music. This kind of life can be more colorful and constantly pursue progress.

  上纽大图书馆,走进“Fang and Tang Library”,里面有很多电子书,共享纽约大学15个校区的上百万册图书资源,为学生提供国际化学习环境。

  Entering the Fang and Tang Library, there are many e-books available, sharing millions of books from 15 campuses of New York University, providing students with an international learning environment.


  NYU Shanghai has two main and two auxiliary sports halls, both equipped with facilities for international business competitions. The school attaches great importance to the cultivation of students' physical education and encourages everyone to develop their own sports hobbies.


  In the interactive media art classroom, students learn 3D printing courses and explore the infinite possibilities of technology. The smart classroom can accommodate over a hundred people and is connected to the global network of New York University, enabling cross-border learning and exchange. Interactive Media Arts (IMA), as a popular major at NYU Shanghai, is an indispensable highlight on campus.


  The cafeteria at NYU Shanghai is divided into two levels, offering a variety of dishes and showcasing cuisine from multiple countries.


  How do you feel when you arrive at NYU Shanghai today?


  I think the campus environment is very good, integrating Chinese and Western cultures. There is also computer science here, which I prefer, so I am more interested in.


  The school facilities are very complete, and the campus atmosphere is also very good, making it a particularly suitable learning environment.


  Its architecture and layout are very urbanized, which attracts me a lot.


  Because I have never stayed overnight before, I want to experience the living experience of accommodation and I am more looking forward to this kind of life in university.


  What have you done or planned for during the summer vacation?

  8月份我准备去参加世界学者杯的全球轮。我和我的team member晋级到全球轮,所以要去大连比赛。比赛有四大板块:团队辩论、团队竞答、团队写作,然后还有个人的答题。

  I am planning to participate in the global round of the World Scholars' Cup in August. My team members and I have advanced to the global round, so we are going to compete in Dalian. The competition has four main sections: team debate, team quiz, team writing, and then individual quiz.


  In addition to learning, we can also expand our interests and broaden our horizons, making our knowledge more extensive.


  Firstly, I think we need to keep up with our studies, and secondly, I enjoy seeing the world. I will travel to different places and may even take on part-time jobs. I think internships make me more fulfilled.


  What do LWS students want to do when you grow up, and what are your future plans?


  I want to pursue further studies in science and engineering, programming, and other related fields at MIT.


  I want to study medicine, forensic medicine. The influence of family environment is also a factor in studying medicine. After visiting NYU Shanghai, I want to take the medical exam. Come on, let's sprint.


  I may open a store or become a small business owner.


  I really want to learn in such an atmosphere and environment. I have always enjoyed watching movies since I was young. Influenced by Stephen Chow, I am particularly eager to become a director and want to study directing at NYU.



 联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597  微信:Anne8597

     江老师 手机:18017921033  微信:jiangyue2046

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  •  Anne.OuYang
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  •  Grace.Jiang
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