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  On June 25th, we gathered together to witness the graduation and graduation ceremonies of elementary and junior high schools in LWS. This is a day worthy of being deeply engraved in our hearts. It not only marks a memory of a journey, but also an important turning point in the lives of LWS children.


  Your life at LWS seem to have started yesterday, when you were still unfamiliar faces and stepped into this big family with a little shyness and unease. In the blink of an eye, you are about to embark on a new journey in life. Here, you not only learn knowledge, but also learn how to get along with others, face challenges, and stick to their dreams under the careful guidance of teachers.


  At this moment, we sincerely say to every student: May you maintain a passionate and steadfast heart in the future, no matter what difficulties and challenges you may encounter. The path of life may not always be smooth sailing, but it is these twists and turns and challenges that shape your resilience and wisdom. Embrace every unknown with courage, and use your talents and enthusiasm to create your own brilliance.



  Summer vacation is a great time to enrich oneself, read more books and learn new skills, such as artificial intelligence. Mr. Fang also told everyone a small story.


  There used to be a young man named Steve Jobs who started a very small computer company. He said he wanted to be completely different from all other computer companies.Previously, almost all computers used a command-line system. To use a computer, one must first learn programming languages. Steve Jobs was convinced that in order for personal computers to truly become popular, it was necessary to lower the learning barrier and make them more intuitive and user-friendly.As a result, the first generation of Apple computers came out, causing a sensation worldwide, and Apple computers became a leading representative of computers worldwide.


  In Steve Jobs’ memory, he said why there was such a requirement at that time was because he took a course called Rhetoric in college. So we am very sensitive to this and have different ideas when it comes to the computer industry. Apple's success is actually due to Steve Jobs having a completely different concept and absorbing knowledge that is completely different from his profession.


  The benefits of cultivating multicultural thinking abilities are multifaceted, not only enriching personal perspectives and experiences, but also enhancing adaptability and competitiveness in a globalized environment.


  Mr. Fang sends his most sincere blessings to the children, hoping that everyone can continue to work hard, and the future is full of infinite possibilities, constantly surpassing and shining brightly.



  You are the pride of LWS. You have spent the most precious time of your life here and left countless unforgettable memories. Today, as you are about to leave this familiar campus and embark on a new journey in life, we hope you can always remember that LWS will always be your home and your safe haven. No matter where you go in the world, there are memories of your youth and footprints of your growth here.


  Graduation certificates one by one carry your efforts, progress, and transformation. When children receive these certificates, the hearts are filled with pride and a sense of achievement. Bless you!



  On this memorable day, let us together send you our sincerest wishes. May your journey of life be filled with sunshine and laughter, may your dreams come true, and may you continue to write your own brilliant chapter in the years to come.


  Mr. Fang, the school board members, and the principal presented awards to the students. Passionate applause echoed from the audience. This semester, under the guidance of their teachers, the children from LWS actively participated in many competitions and achieved impressive results. Let's congratulate them again!



  Children bless graduates with exciting dance, singing, and other programs. In the coming years, I hope you can become the backbone of society, using what you have learned to influence and change the world around you. Don't be afraid to give, because every effort will turn into a precious treasure on your life journey. Selflessly dedicating one's own strength not only helps others, but also makes one's life more rich and meaningful.


  Today marks the end of your first phase at The LWS and the beginning of your next phase at The LWS.May every graduate continue to move forward, explore, surpass themselves, and become a more outstanding person on their future life path.


  May your future be broader than the blue sky and deeper than the ocean! LWS will always be following you and looking forward to your good news! Let's witness each other's growth and progress together in the coming years!



 联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597  微信:Anne8597

     江老师 手机:18017921033  微信:jiangyue2046

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  •  Anne.OuYang
  • 电话:17310788597
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  •  Grace.Jiang
  • 电话:18017921033
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